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    15 Dec 2022
    Sri Lanka Consumer Confidence: November sees significant gains in consumer confidence, driven by future expectations
    The Institute for Health Policy (IHP) released today the November 2022 update of its Consumer Confidence Indices. The Index of Consumer Sentiment (ICS), the broadest measure of the public's views of their personal economic status and the national economy which ranges from zero to a potential maximum 100, increased by 11 points (from 9 in October to 20 in November), back to levels last seen in January this year. SLOTS202216.jpg

    14 Dec 2022
    Sri Lankans continue to hold unfavourable views of all political party leaders
    In November, President Wickremasinghe was viewed unfavourably by a net 46% of Sri Lankans, but this was still marginally better than other party leaders.

    Opposition Leader and SJB leader Sajith Premadasa had a net negative rating of 57%, not significantly different to that of AK Dissanayake, NPP and JVP leader, who had a net negative rating of 55%.

    Recent interviews suggest that Gotabaya Rajapaksa's ratings may have started to recover from the deep lows (-80%) they maintained for most of the year, with his favourability rating recovering to a net negative 51% in November.

    7 Dec 2022
    Sri Lankans agree by a wide margin that the economy, economic crisis, and inflation are the most important national problems
    In polling by the Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS) during October and November 2022, respondents were asked to identify their top national issues currently facing the country.

    The public views the economy and economic crisis, followed by inflation as the top two problems facing Sri Lanka - and no other concerns come close.

    Seven-in-ten Sri Lankans (73%) view the economy and the economic crisis as one of the top two problems for the country, with the public also rating inflation (41%) and jobs and unemployment (13%) as major economic problems. After economic issues, one-in-four Sri Lankans (23%) view corruption as a priority issue, followed by one-in-ten (9%) who cite politicization or political interference. Significant numbers of Sri Lankans also list fuel shortages (8%) and power cuts (7%) as priority problems, followed by 6% who mention high taxes and 5% who mention problems with the health services, according to SLOTS interviews of 622 adults conducted between Oct. 4-Nov. 30, 2022.

    25 Nov 2022
    Public want to prioritize health and education for increased government spending
    IHP's latest Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS) asked its respondents (during October and November 2022) to identify their top two priorities for increasing government spending, and their top two priorities for cutting spending. 66% of Sri Lankan adults identified health and 60% education as their top two priorities. The next highest public priorities for spending increases were agriculture and farming at 49%, and fertilizer at 15%. In contrast, when asked to identify their top two priorities for cutting government spending, similar numbers of 44% and 37% of Sri Lankan adults identified the police and roads respectively. Smaller but significant numbers also wanted to cut spending on samurdhi (30%) and the army (20%).

    SLOTS combines data from interviews of a national sample of adults (ages 18 and over), drawn from a large national panel of respondents who were recruited in a field survey during 2019 using stratified random sampling, and a separate sample of respondents reached by random digit dialling of mobile numbers. Responses are adjusted to match the national population for sex, age, ethnicity, province, sector, and economic status.

    16 Nov 2022
    Sri Lanka Consumer Confidence: Consumer confidence remains deeply pessimistics in October
    The Institute for Health Policy (IHP) released today the October 2022 update of its Consumer Confidence Indices, which are generated from its Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS). SLOTS202212.jpg

    31 Oct 2022
    Sri Lanka Consumer Confidence: Consumer confidence fell again in September giving up its August gains
    The Institute for Health Policy (IHP) released today the September 2022 update of its Consumer Confidence Indices, which are generated from its Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS). SLOTS202211.jpg

    18 Sep 2022
    Sri Lanka Consumer Confidence: Consumer confidence rose again in August continuing its post-Rajapaksa recovery
    The Institute for Health Policy (IHP) released today the August 2022 update of its Consumer Confidence Indices, which are generated from its Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS). Consumer confidence rose again in August continuing its post-Rajapaksa recovery. Rising optimism driven by views about long-term prospects for country, with public remaining pessimistic about their own situation and near-term future SLOTS202210.jpg

    17 Aug 2022
    Sri Lanka Consumer Confidence: Consumer confidence gains modestly following President's resignation in July
    The Institute for Health Policy released today the July 2022 update of its Consumer Confidence Indices based on the ongoing Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS). Consumer confidence gains modestly following President's resignation in July. SLOTS202209.jpg

    16 Aug 2022
    JVP Support Surges with the Collapse of the Economy and the Gotabaya Presidency
    Dr Ravi Rannan-Eliya, the Executive Director at IHP shares with Daily Mirror Online the Institute's live survey, Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS) results on public opinion.

    The SLOTS survey has been tracking public opinion since August 2021. The street protests and the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on July 14 was accompanied by a collapse in support for the ruling parties. The nation faces critical economic and political choices, but this did not lead to public consensus about whom to support. That is now changing, with the NPP/JVP emerging as the most popular choice of Sri Lankans.

    31 Jul 2022
    Sri Lanka Consumer Confidence: Consumer confidence continued to decline in June
    The Institute for Health Policy (IHP) released today the June 2022 update of its Consumer Confidence Indices, which are being trialled as part of its Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS). The Index of Consumer Sentiment (ICS), which is the broadest measure reflecting the public’s views on their personal economic status and the broader national economy, fell 4 points from 6 in May to 2 in June, close to its lowest potential level of 0. The Index of Consumer Expectation (ICE), which captures Sri Lankans’ views about the future, also fell from 4 points to 1 in June, indicating that sentiment is being driven by increasing lack of confidence in the future.

    This worsening in sentiment is despite the resignation of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in early May but coincided with growing numbers of people turning out on the street and calls for the President to resign. The deterioration in the economic situation with continuing power cuts, lack of fuel and transports, and worsening shortages of items undoubtedly contribute. Overall, the public remained deeply pessimistic about conditions and the future during June.

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