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    30 Nov 2015
    Dr. Rannan-Eliya makes a presentation at the International Conference on Maternal and Child Nutrition
    Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Director/ Fellow IHP, made a presentation entitled "Understanding the paradox of undernutrition in Sri Lanka - What does it tell us about what matters in Sri Lanka and South Asia?", at the International Conference on Maternal and Child Nutrition, held at the Kingsbury Hotel Colombo on 23 and 24 November 2015. This conference, which was jointly organized by the South Asian Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) and the UNICEF, was attended by over 130 local and 110 international delegates.

    Elaborating the Sri Lanka problem Dr. Rannan-Eliya identified stagnation of stunting levels since 2000 and regional disparities as special concerns. Recommending policy options for both Sri Lanka and South Asia, he emphasized that an effective undernutrition strategy must focus on family food insecurity with an expanded supplementary food intervention and specific targeting of poor as the practical options for Sri Lanka. He proposed that possible successes in the region, especially in Sri Lanka and Maldives could serve as benchmark for learning in rest of the region.

    22 Oct 2015
    Dr. Reggie Perera Guest of Honour at the 8th Annual Academic Sessions of the "Gal Oya Nimna Clinical Association"
    Dr. Reggie Perera Guest of Honour at the 8th Annual Academic Sessions of the "Gal Oya Nimna Clinical Association".The Clinical Society had been initiated by Dr KVC Janaka, the then Consultant Physician in 2008. Since then it has grown from strength to strength with an increasing range of regular academic activities for Continuing Professional Development of Medical Officers in the Galoya valley. Theme for the year 2015 was "towards clinical excellence", an inspired choice in the quest to ensure quality of patient care by the Physician members. The theme is also timely, given the emphasis on clinical excellence placed by the National Quality Assurance and Patient Safety programme. The Sessions were spread over four days of excellent content. GONCA.jpg

    The formal inauguration was held on 22nd October at the Monty Hotel, Ampara. It was a colourful and Solumn ceremony. Dr. Reggie Perera's Address was titled "Psycho Social support for Clinical Excellence". He highlighted the need for such support in the quest for Clinical Excellence. The presentation was based on the research study undertaken by IHP on Counselling Assistant / Officers of the then Ministries of Social Services and Child development & Women's Affairs.

    24 Sep 2015
    MoU between IHP and MoH will benefit both parties and the country
    IHP sings MOU with the Ministry of Health. The Memorandum of Understanding signed by Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Executive Director IHP and Dr. Palitha Mahipala, Director General of Health Services (DGHS) Ministry of Health at the Ministry premises on 23 September 2015 is expected to promote technical partnership between the two agencies and benefit the ministry, IHP and the country alike. As per the MoU the DGHS is encouraged to make his recommendations to IHP on research priority areas of the country while IHP will report to the DGHS of its undertakings that may be of relevance to the partnership, giving the MoH an opportunity to identify the activities that it might wish to participate. Further, it allows a provision for the MoH to appoint a nominee to the Board of Management of IHP.

    The agreement, which will first trial run for one year, will cover only those pre-consented activities by the two parties. Among the activities on the pipe line for collaboration are the joint activity to develop indicators to benchmark Sri Lanka health system performance against the OECD health data indicators and the maintenance of the Sri Lanka Health Accounts (SLHA), an activity IHP already performs.

    IHP's long standing association with the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka dates back to former's formative years, and includes research undertaken on behalf of as well as in-partnership with the latter. These include assistance extended in preparation of the Health Master Plan, finalization of the HE the President's Ten Year Development Plan (Health), Health Sector Public Expenditure Reviews and the costing of NCD Action Plan. Further, the wide international recognition and experience IHP have will benefit the new partnership. IHP's current portfolio in the international sphere includes chairing of the Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems (ANHSS) and the partnerships it has established with the OECD Korea Center, GFTAM and the Government of Malaysia. The IHP, Harvard University, Malaysian Health Ministry joint collaboration in progress at present is envisaged to improve benchmarking of Malaysian health system by developing indicators to track performance against those measures in OECD health data, in turn is expected to influence future transformation of the Malaysian health system.

    31 Jul 2015
    Health officials from Myanmar attend a seminar at IHP
    A group of eight officials from the Ministry of Health, Myanmar, and WHO country office Myanmar, attended a seminar held at Institute for Health Policy on "Delivering good health care at low cost" on 30th July 2015. The group was on a four-day study tour program arranged by the WHO, on health systems strengthening, studying various aspects of the Sri Lankan health system.

    Dr Shanti Dalpatadu, Senior Fellow began with an overview of IHP, followed by Sarasi Amarasinghe, Research Officer who presented on important aspects of healthcare financing in Sri Lanka, while Nilmini Wijemanne, Research Associate discussed Sri Lanka's achievements in health, and important aspects of how this was achieved at a low cost. Questions raised by the Myanmar team were discussed, and participants were given further reading materials, including the IHP publications "Sri Lanka: Good Practice in Expanding Health Care Coverage" and "Sri Lanka Health Accounts 1990-2012".

    26 Jun 2015
    IHP conducts training workshop on disease accounts for BNHA Cell
    IHP recently concluded a five-day customised training workshop on disease accounts for members of the Bangladesh National Health Accounting (BNHA) Cell. The workshop was held from 22-26 June 2015 at IHP premises. Participants comprised high-ranking officials from the Health Economics Unit of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Data International Ltd.

    The main themes covered were an introduction to the concepts of sub-accounts under the System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011, methods of estimating expenditure by disease, age and sex, using patient, costing and pharmaceutical surveys and the use of classifications systems such as ICD-10, ICPC and ATC. The feasibility of using a single disease accounts platform for multiple reporting purposes such as NASA, were also discussed. A previous workshop on health accounts for BNHA members was conducted in September 2013.

    26 Apr 2015
    IHP partners in the conduct of 2015 Asia Regional Flagship Course
    The 2015 Asia Regional Flagship Course under the theme “Health Systems Strengthening and Sustainable Financing - The Challenge of Universal Health Coverage” was held at the Galle Face Hotel, Colombo from 20-25 April 2015. IHP, through the provision of logistical support, partnered in the conduct of the course, which was organized by the Asia Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems Strengthening (ANHSS). This annual event, customized for the health sector managers from the countries in the Asia Pacific region was co-sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Bank.

    Dr. P.G. Mahipala Director General of Health Services Ministry of Health Sri Lanka, Mr. Andrew Mann the Chargé d'Affaires ad Interim US Embassy in Sri Lanka and Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Director IHP spoke at the opening ceremony.

    The course, designed to teach principles of ethics, political analysis/ strategy, goal identification and performance assessment, offered an integrated analytical framework for policy making that applied Flagship Analytical Framework to enable structured and strategic thinking about how to move health systems towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Further, the course provided a forum for the participants to interact with the international experts and the colleagues from the other countries while applying critical thinking elements taught during the course in working through some challenges to UHC. The course was taught by an international faculty from the Universities of Harvard, Oxford, California San Francisco, the World Bank and Asia Network on Capacity Building for Health System Strengthening ANHSS institutes.

    A presentation titled “Progress towards Universal Health Coverage: The Sri Lankan Experience”made by Dr. Mahipala (DGHS) on 22 April was another highlight connected with the course.

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