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    8 Dec 2007
    WHO consultation discusses regional agenda for active and healthy ageing
    Dr Rannan-Eliya, IHP Fellow, participated with MOH experts at the WHO SEAR Regional Consultation on Active and Healthy Ageing, held in Trivandrum, Kerala, India from 6-8 December. Participants at the meeting came from regional countries, including India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives and Indonesia, and comprised government representatives, researchers and clinicians. The discussions focused on identifying key issues facing an ageing region, and how best WHO and national agendas can be refocused on tackling the new issues in a more coordinated, regional effort. Dr. Rannan-Eliya acted as a resource person, and presented on the economic impacts of ageing on countries. aghealth.jpg

    14 Nov 2007
    Dr A.T.P.L. Abeykoon presents paper at Expert Group Meeting on MDG Supplementary Targets and Indicators in Bangkok
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow at IHP presented the main background paper at the Expert Group Meeting organized by Emerging Social Issues Division of UNESCAP on the 13 to15 November 2007 in Bangkok. Twenty experts from the ESCAP region participated at the meeting in addition to specialists from UN bodies.

    The meeting on “Developing targets and indicators on social exclusion, population, gender equality and health promotion to strengthen the MDGs process” was the result of the project “Supplementary Population and Health Targets and Indicators Relevant for tracking progress on the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the ESCAP Region” which is being implemented by UNESCAP funded by UN Development Account to enhance the capacity of member states to design and implement development policies and programmes in a manner that substantially contributes to social inclusion, achievement of gender equality and health promotion.

    The project is expected to contribute to this goal by providing senior level policy makers and planners in the countries of the region with a set of additional targets and indicators within the existing MDG framework.
    Dr Abey-Bangkok.jpg

    Consequently the main objective of the Expert Group Meeting was to review the background papers prepared by the experts and identify key areas for further study and prioritize some proposed targets and indicators for further analysis.

    30 Oct 2007
    Dr Rannan-Eliya participates in Global Health Forum 11 Beijing
    Dr Rannan-Eliya, IHP Fellow, participated in Global Forum for Health Research 11, held in Beijing as part of the WHO Alliance on Health Systems and Policies team. Before an unanticipated early departure from the conference, he participated as a speaker in the book launch of the new Alliance Biennial Review, Sound Choices, which focuses on challenges in strengthening health systems research capacity in developing countries. Dr Rannan-Eliya is a member of the Scientific and Advisory Committee (STAC) of the WHO Alliance. vignette.gif

    18 Oct 2007
    Dr Rannan-Eliya gives keynote talk at the WHO High Level Meeting on Promoting Health Equity in Cambodia
    Dr Rannan-Eliya, IHP Fellow, participated in the WHO High Level Meeting on Promoting Health Equity, held in Cambodia. He gave a keynote presentation on the work and findings of the Equitap network, and acted as a resource person for the meeting, which was attended by a large number of policy-makers, WHO and other international agency representatives to discuss current challenges and issues in improving health equity in the Western Pacific region. WHOLogo.gif

    2 Oct 2007
    Fazana Saleem-Ismail shares IHP research on decomposing health inequalities at regional conference
    IHP reseacher, Fazana Saleem-Ismail presented the results of the IHP analyses of health inequalities in the WHO SEAR regional countries, at the regional conference organised by WHO and Ministry of Health in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October. Fazana's presentation focused on the pattern of inequalities in health and nutrition indicators in the region, and how socioeconomic factors are important determinants. Her presentation culminates a long study by IHP on behalf of WHO, working in collaboration with both the regional office of SEAR and the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health. WHOLogo.gif

    10 Sep 2007
    Ministry of Health requests all departments and institutes to assist IHP in its survey of policy-maker opinions on health promotion financing
    In support of the study of health promotion financing being conducted by IHP for WHO, the Ministry of Health has requested all the departments and institutions under its supervision to assist the study teamby responding to the planned survey of policy-maker opinions. This study is being conducted at the request of WHO SEAR Office, and is jointly being undertaken with IHPP Thailand in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal, India and Indonesia. WHOLogo.gif

    11 Jul 2007
    IHP participates in IHEA 2007 World Congress in Copenhagen
    IHP staff, directors and colleagues were active participants in the International Health Economics Association (IHEA) 2007 Biennial World Congress, held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 8-11 July.

    In a special session organised by IHP, Dr Rannan-Eliya and Sandra Hopkins from the OECD presented the results of the first OECD System of Health Accounts implementations in the OECD and Asia-Pacific regions. Dr Rannan-Eliya's presentation drew on the collaborative work that IHP has been leading as part of the APNHAN collaboration with the OECD RCHSP in Korea. The results highlighted not only contrasts, but also showed similarities in the pattern of health financing between OECD and Asia-Pacific developing countries. In another organised session coordinated by Aparnaa Somanathan for the World Bank, Dr Rannan-Eliya and others from Africa and Europe presented findings from the various regions about how different health systems influence equity in health. In his presentation, Dr Rannan-Eliya drew upon the work by the Equitap collaboration in Asia.

    In the abstract-driven sessions, Dr Aparnaa Somanathan made an oral presentation of her doctoral thesis work on the impact of the health card on child healthcare use in Indonesia. In another such session, Dr Sarath Samarage of MOH Sri Lanka presented the joint work that he, Aparnaa Somanathan and Amala de Silva had done to review health costing studies in Sri Lanka.

    IHEA is actively seeking to expand its representation in developing countries, and in the past year, Dr Rannan-Eliya has been assisting the IHEA Board in its deliberations on potential strategies for doing this. A first step in this direction was the hold

    1 Jul 2007
    IHP Staff leads Seminar to finalize Standard Treatment Protocols (STPs) for priority NCDs in Maldives
    IHP Senior fellows and experts Prof Rezvi Sheriff, Dr Seneth Samaranayake, Dr Reggie Perera and Dr Shanti Dalpatadu together with the Maldivian counterparts of IHP Dr Abdullah Waheed and Mr. Ahmed Salih facilitated a workshop on Training of Master Trainers in Use of STPs from the 22nd to the 24th of July 2007 at the Youth Centre of Maldives Centre for Social Education (MCSE) Male'. Deputy Minster Dr Azees inaugurated the workshops and DGHS Dr Sheena also participated at the inauguration.

    This work shop followed the first seminar that was held at the beginning of July to finalize STPs and was one of the deliverables in the series activities identified in the ongoing WB Project to rationalize NCD care in Maldivian government hospitals, being undertaken by a consortium of Sri Lankan organisations including IHP staff.

    The fellows trained nine master trainers in the use of selected STPs for priority NCDs in Maldives. After the conclusion of this work shop, these master trainers will be detailed to train existing staff in the Atoll hospitals as well as new recruits in use of these STPs.

    IHP fellows, Dr Reggie Perera and Dr Shanti Dalpatadu, together with their Maldivian counterparts, Dr Abdullah Waheed and Mr. Ahmed Salih, facilitated the Workshop on the 24th of July 2007 on Finalize Standard Operating Procedures for Priority NCDs at th

    20 Jun 2007
    Third Joint OECD/Korea RCHSP-APNHAN Meeting of Regional Health Accounts Experts held in Seoul, Korea
    The 3rd Joint OECD/Korea RCHSP-APNHAN Meeting of Regional Health Accounts Experts was successfully held in Seoul from 18-20 June. Jointly organised by the OECD Korea Regional Centre for Health and Social Policy and the Asia-Pacific NHA Network (APNHAN), this is the second annual meeting organised as part of the joint collaboration. The meeting was attended by representatives from regional countries and several international agencies, as well as by Peter Scherer, the head of the health division at OECD Headquarters.Countries and territories represented included Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan, Korea, Tonga and Mongolia.

    The meeting deliberations took stock of developments in countries and globally since the last annual meeting in mid-2006, received an update from OECD and WHO staff on the plans for the OECD SHA 2 revision process, reviewed the results and issues related to the first regional SHA collections conducted by RCHSP and APNHAN, and reviewed and discussed a number of technical issues and problems of common concern in special technical sessions. IHP, acting as the secretariat of APNHAN, played a key role in organising the event, and Dr Rannan-Eliya chaired many of the sessions.

    19 Jun 2007
    United Nations releases the World Economic and Social Survey 2007, which draws upon IHP research
    The United Nations launched its World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) 2007 today in New York. WESS 2007 focuses on the challenges of ageing, and for the report, the UN commissioned IHP to prepare an upto date projection of future health expenditures in Sri Lanka from 2001 to 2101, taking into account the latest data and methods. Together with a similar projection prepared for Australia, the IHP report and other ageing-related work conducted by IHP provided important material for the UN study.

    The challenge of adapting existing health and long-term care systems to the ongoing demographic and epidemiological changes is large. Yet, as shown by the Sri Lankan study by IHP, the demographic impact on health spending over the next 50 years or so would account for no more than a few percentage points of gross domestic product. Based on the work by IHP and others, it is argued in the Survey that other factors than ageing turn out to be more important in driving up the future cost of health care, such as changes in health-seeking behaviour by individuals, inefficiencies in the delivery of health services, introduction of new medical technologies, price increases of pharmaceuticals and health insurance policies.

    Population ageing will definitely influence health care expenditures, but need not consume unsustainably large shares of national income in the future. The composition of health care spending will have to undergo substantial changes with increasing import

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