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    22 Sep 2012
    Dr. Rannan-Eliya delivers a keynote address at the HASA Conference
    Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Director IHP delivered a keynote address at the annual conference of the Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA), held at the International Convention Center, Cape Town, from 19 to 21 September 2012. Comprising a membership of over 200, HASA covers over 80% of South Africa’s private hospitals. Dr. Rannan-Eliya spoke on the theme “Achieving universal coverage – Global lessons for South Africa”. HASA.jpg

    19 Jul 2012
    IHP shares Sri Lanka's healthcare experience with Johnson and Johnson worldwide
    A 17 member Executive team from the Johnson and Johnson worldwide visited Sri Lanka on a study tour of the Asia Pacific as a part of an Enterprise Leadership Programme. The visit was hosted by IHP on the 18th July at IHP premises. The purpose of the meeting was to educate the group of executives with strong insights into Sri Lanka’s current healthcare situation and it’s evolution.

    The presentations and the discussions followed were based on the following thematic areas:
    (i) Healthcare landscape in Sri Lanka its development, current realities and future opportunities and challenges. The key macro-factors (socio-cultural and economic) shaping the way health care has developed and is evolving. The trails blazed by Sri Lanka in setting the agenda for Global Health.
    (ii) Health care economics and policy with reference to access, affordability, health equity and development of National Health Accounts. The contribution by IHP to refine methodology for National Health Accounts.
    (iii) The role of large companies in facing the challenges: what disease areas are the most concerning and what are the opportunities to address these?

    Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Director and Fellow and Dr. Reggie Perera, Senior Fellow IHP, made presentations at the meeting. Dr. A.T.P.L Abeykoon, Senior Fellow was also present.

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