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    10 Dec 2010
    Flagship Course on Equity and Health Systems
    The Flagship Course on Equity and Health Systems was held in Tagaytay, Philippines in December 2010. The course was organised by the ANHSS network in cooperation with the World Bank Institute, Equitap Network and the Department of Health, Philippines. Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya was a member of the faculty while Chamara Anuranga was a participant. The course was attended by policy makers, academics and other stake holders from 12 different countries. flagship.jpg

    8 Dec 2010
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, presents the paper on “Reproductive Health and Family Planning Programme in Sri Lanka: Achievements and Challenges”.
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow presented a paper on “Reproductive Health and Family Planning Programme in Sri Lanka: Achievements and Challenges” at the Regional Seminar on Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific – Addressing the Challenges, organized by ICOMP and UNFPA in Bangkok, 8-10 December, 2010. Abeyrep.JPG

    20 Nov 2010
    Dr. A.T.P.L Abeykoon participates at the Asian Population Association Conference held in New Delhi from 16-20 November, 2010.
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow at IHP and Secretary General of the Asian Population Association is being greeted by Hon. Ghulam Nabi Azad, Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India at the Asian Population Association Conference held in New Delhi from 16-20 November, 2010. Abeyindia.jpg

    17 Nov 2010
    Dr. R.P. Rannan-Eliya gives keynote on the State of the Art Research into Universal Health Coverage at the WHO Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Montreux
    Dr R.P. Rannan-Eliya, Director, participated in WHO's First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, and gave the plenary keynote talk on the state of the art in research on indicators and determinants of universal health coverage. The symposium was attended by over one thousand experts from around the world, and the key focus of the discussions was on how research can assist the expansion of healthcare coverage across the globe. Dr. Rannan-Eliya's presentation which focused on what we know about how to expand coverage, was well received, and attracted much positive comment by participants and news and blog reports from the Symposium. Much of the presentation drew on the evidence generated by IHP's Equitap collaboration, and the IHP inputs for the Japanese Takemi Working Group in 2009. In the academic sesssions, several examples of work by IHP and Equitap partners were also presented and shared. ravi_shr.jpg

    27 Jul 2010
    Dr. Rannan-Eliya receives Presidential Awards for published scientific research!
    His Excellency the President Awarded Certificate of Recognition to Dr Ravi Rannan-Eliya for his research work published in the Lancet a world's leading medical journal, on the 27th of July, 2010 at the Temple Trees.

    The Lancet paper was based on the work of the Equitap collaboration presenting the key findings on the incidence of catastrophic out-of-pocket health expenditures in Asian countries. (Lancet,2006.368 (9544):1357-1364)

    5 Jul 2010
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon presents at the CACCI conference 5-7 July 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    Senior Fellow, IHP, Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, was called upon to speak at a session on the "Economic Implications of an Aging Population: Challenges and opportunities" at the 24th CACCI (The Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce and Industry) conference. The event had a turnout of more than 300 delegates composed largely of leading businessman from 20 Asia Pacific countries.

    The delegates exchanged ideas with th invited speakers on how the trend towards aging population would affect economic growth, savings, investment, consumption, labour markets, pensions and taxation.

    2 Jun 2010
    Stakeholder Consultation on Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
    Stakeholder Consultation on Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies was held from the 1-2 June 2010, in Hong Kong. apo1.jpg

    7 Jan 2010
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon appointed member of UNFPA Asia and Pacific Regional Programme Advisory Group
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow has been appointed a member of the UNFPA Asia and Pacific Regional Programme Advisory Group. The Regional Programme Advisory Group provides guidance to the implementation and review of the Asia and Pacific Regional Programme. The advisory group is responsible for overall quality assurance and ensure the regional programme’s relevance to regional and national priorities, alignment with guiding regional strategies and meaningful collaborations at the regional level. Periodic reviews and analysis of the performance of the regional programme by the Regional Advisory Group will contribute to the annual review and planning processes for the regional programme. unfpa.jpg

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