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    17 Dec 2005
    Ruwanthi Elwelagedera presents on Sri Lanka's adolescent reproductive health policies at World Bank Delhi workshop
    Ruwanthi Elwelagedera presented on Sri Lanka's adolescent and youth reproductive health policies at the WDR 2007 consultative workshop, Delhi

    India Development foundation in collaboration with the World Bank a consultative workshop on You in South Asia" . A consultative workshop for the World Development Report 2007. Ms Ruwanthi Elwelagedera presented Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health­ Issues, Programmes and Operational Barriers

    26 Sep 2005
    Dr Rannan-Eliya makes presentation at Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
    On the request of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Dr Ravi Rannan-Eliya presented his thoughts on what the key issues are for Sri Lankan health policy, and discussed with senior private sector representatives how an appropriate policy agenda might be developed. This meeting is part of a series of consultations and discusssions being held by the CCC to develop its "Way Forward" CCC.gif

    31 Aug 2005
    Institute for Health Policy formally established!
    The Institute for Health Policy was formerly incorporated and established today, following the legal approval and registration of its incorporation. For the first few months of 2005, IHP has been working on an informal basis, but with this important milestone, this period is over. The Institute hopes to become a leading centre of excellence for research in health policy benefiting Sri Lanka and the wider region in the coming years.

    11 Jun 2005
    Dr. Shanti Dalpatadu joins IHP as Senior Fellow
    Senior health planner, Dr. KCS Dalpatadu, joined the staff of the organisation as Senior Fellow, and will be working with the team to help establish the new institute. Dr. Dalpatadu recenty completed an assignment with WHO-SEARO in Delhi, after retiring as Deputy Director-General (Planning), Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Welfare, which was the culimination of a long and distinguished career serving the Sri Lankan health ministry at all levels. His long experience in management and health service planning is expected to substantially strengthen and broaden the future institute's research and policy capacity. shanti.jpg

    9 May 2005
    Dr. Reggie Perera joins the IHP start-up team as Senior Fellow
    Senior health administrator, Dr. Reggie Perera, joined the staff of the organisation as Senior Fellow, and will be working with the team to help establish the new institute. Dr. Perera recenty retired as Secretary, Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Welfare, which was the culimination of a long and distinguished career serving the Sri Lankan health ministry at all levels. His long experience in management and administration is expected to substantially strengthen and broaden the future institute's research and policy capacity. newspic050901.jpg

    20 Apr 2005
    Dr Rannan-Eliya attends WHO INTRA-III Project Workshop
    The WHO Kobe Centre in Kobe, Japan has commissioned IHP researchers to assist in a component of the new WHO-INTRA III project, which will look at options for assessing the impact of ageing on future national health spending in WHO member states. For this effort, IHP staff will be sharing their expertise in developing health expenditure projection models in Sri Lanka, conducting a global review of the literature on projection methods, and making recommendations on protocols and methods for WHO INTRA-III participating countries to project future spending. As a first part of this new collaboration, Dr Rannan-Eliya attended the first workshop of the INTRA-III project, which was held in Geneva 18-20 April 2006. WKCINTRAMttg.gif

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