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    News 2017

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    20 Jul 2017
    National Consultative Meeting to adopt the Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care for Elders in Sri Lanka
    As a part of the key activities of the Country Diagnostic Study (CDS) on strengthening developing member countries’ capacity in elderly care, Institute for Health Policy (IHP) together with the Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare organized a one-day National Consultative Meeting to adopt the Country Diagnostic Study on Long-Term Care for Elders in Sri Lanka. It was held on 20th July 2017 at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo. The National Consultative Meeting was held to disseminate the findings of the CDS on Long-Term Care for elderly to the stakeholders and to achieve consensus of the findings presented. Stakeholders from Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare, National Secretariat for Elders, Ministry of Health Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, ADB, UN agencies, Academics, NGO’s and private sector LTC service providers took part in this meeting. LTCNC.jpg

    15 Jul 2017
    Dr. Abeykoon Contributes to the Publication on Ageing
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow was one of the Editors of the publication on Ageing in South East Asia and contributed to the Chapter on Ageing in Thailand. It was published by ICOMP, Malaysia in April 2017. aging0717.jpg

    9 Feb 2017
    IHP hosts long term care for the elderly stakeholder meeting
    IHP, along with the Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare hosted a meeting for stakeholders in "long term care for the elderly" in Sri Lanka. Stakeholders consisted of officials from the Ministries of Social Empowerment and Welfare, Health and Nutrition and National Policies and Economic Affairs, UN agencies, academics, NGO's and private long term care providers. The meeting was meant to debrief stakeholders about the country diagnostic study, gather information of current long term care activities and research and obtain their input on the challenges that the country faces currently with regard to the provision of long term care for the elderly. ANHSS2017.jpg

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