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    18 Dec 2014
    Dr Abeykoon participates at the Fifth International Seminar for South–South Cooperation
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow participated as a resource person at the Fifth International Seminar for South-South Cooperation on NGO Capacity Building in Population and Reproductive Health held during 16-17 December, 2014 in Taicang, China. Dr. Abeykoon functioned as a discussant at the session on ‘strengthening the capacity building for NGOs’. south.jpg

    4 Dec 2014
    IHP Design Specialist Awarded 1st Place at HIV/AIDS Poster Competition
    Harees Hashim, Design and Publication Specialist IHP won the first prize at a poster competition held by the AIDS Foundation Lanka (ALF) in connection with World AIDS Day 2014. The overall theme of the competition was "Closing the gap in HIV prevention and treatment", and Mr. Hashim made his entry under the sub theme "Stigma and Discrimination of HIV victims". The award was presented to Mr. Hashim by ALF trustee Deshamanya Bradmon Weerakon at a ceremony held at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute Colombo on 20 November 2014. AIDS.jpg

    1 Dec 2014
    Dr. Abeykoon appointed to the Editorial Board of Asia-Pacific Population Journal
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon has been appointed to the Editorial Board of Asia-Pacific Population Journal (APPJ) published by UNESCAP. Dr. Abeykoon is the first Sri Lankan demographer to be appointed to the editorial board of an international peer reviewed population journal. APPJ2.jpg

    12 Nov 2014
    Dr Reggie Perera and Puwanesh participate in international conference
    The Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad invited Dr Reggie Perera Senior Fellow and S.S. Puwanesh IT/Web Specialist to present papers at the International Conference on Health System strengthening - Country Experiences from 12th to 14th November 2014, in Hyderabad. Dr. Perera was a Panelist at the inaugural session and made a presentation at the first Plenary on "Blazing a trail for the world health development in Sri Lanka " Puwanesh made a presentation on "Enhancing surveillance for malaria through improving public private participation". IPE.jpg

    12 Nov 2014
    IHP to manage Asia Health Systems Research Capacity Strengthening Initiative
    Canada’s International Research Development Centre (IDRC) with the aim of improving capacities of countries in Asia to strengthen health systems and improve health equity and governance has launched a new programme, the Asia Health Systems Research Capacity Strengthening Initiative. Selected through a competitive call Institute for Health Policy (IHP), in collaboration with Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) and the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), will manage this initiative with Dr Ravindra P. Rannan-Eliya, Director IHP as the Project Leader.This initiative will help improve the critical capacities of countries to generate, adapt, and use locally relevant evidence at national and regional levels to strengthen health systems and improve health equity and governance. The project will also help increase the number of trained health systems scientists in the region and facilitate the uptake of research results at policy level.

    It will also aspire to strengthen individual and institutional capacities by increasing the pool of doctoral-level researchers through direct support for PhD students and provision of fellowships for recent graduates to facilitate their entry into health systems research institutions in Asia. It will also leverage and support the capacities of local institutions to better participate in and contribute to comparative health systems research, training, knowledge translation, and policy influence. Given the Initiative’s connection with researchers and policymakers in Asia, this programme is expected to generate great potential for regional research-to-policy linkages.

    4 Sep 2014
    Dr. Reggie Perera delivers Dr. Malinga Fernando Oration 2014
    Dr. Reggie Perera, Senior Fellow IHP was invited by the College of Medical Administrators Sri Lanka, to deliver the above oration. This was held on 29th August 2014 at the Cinnamon Grand. The oration was titled, Study on the Capacity and Work Experiences of Counseling staff of Ministries of Social services and Child development and Women's Affairs, undertaken by IHP for The Asia Foundation. Dr. Perera focused on study outcomes related to psycho social support to address inequities in Social Determinants of Health. oration.jpg

    27 Aug 2014
    Dr. Rannan-Eliya speaks on the importance of local research in developing health strategy at the KDU International Research Conference
    IHP Director/ Fellow Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya was an invited speaker at the Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) International Research Conference held at the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana on 21 August 2014. Under the theme “The importance of local research in developing health strategy - the case of cardiovascular disease prevention in Sri Lanka”, he presented work done jointly with Dr. Nilmini Wijemanne assessing potential options for improving CVD screening and prevention in Sri Lanka, and implications for the research policy nexus. KDU.jpg

    14 Aug 2014
    IHP staff contribute to the National Atlas of Sri Lanka
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow IHP served as a member of the editorial board of the second edition of the National Atlas and also contributed to the section on Population with regard to (a) Population Growth, Distribution and Density and (b) Demographic Transition. Mr. Chamara Anuranga, Research Associate served as a technical translator to the Sinhala edition of the National Atlas which was released to the public on 11th August, 2014. The National Atlas is a publication of the Survey Department of Sri Lanka. Atlas.jpg

    12 May 2014
    Meeting of the APLMA Regional Malaria Financing Task Force, Hong Kong
    Dr Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Director IHP, has been appointed to the Regional Malaria Financing Task Force of the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA). He attended its first meeting in Hong Kong on 12 May 2014, where he presented a briefing prepared by IHP on the burden of malaria and communicable diseases in the region, and the implications for future financing. The Task Force will examine the current resources for domestic and regional interventions for malaria control, the cost of achieving regional malaria control targets and to make policy recommendations for raising sustainable additional financing for malaria and other infectious diseases. APLMA.jpg

    4 May 2014
    Dr. R.P. Rannan-Eliya and Nirmali Sivapragasam participate in the OECD SHA Training Course in Paris
    The OECD, in collaboration with Government of Japan, World Bank, WHO and Global Fund, organised a special training course in Paris, on the System of Health Accounts for experts and policy-makers from developing countries. Dr. R.P. Rannan-Eliya, IHP Director, served as a member of the course faculty, leading sessions on disease accounts and NHA networking, and contributing to development of the overall course content. Nirmali Sivapragasam, Head, IHP Health Expenditure Unit, attended as the Sri Lankan delegate. Paris.jpg

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