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    1 Dec 2011
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon appointed to the Editorial Board of IJMA
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow at IHP has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the newly establish International Journal of MCH and AIDS (IJMA). The IJMA is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, clinical studies, evaluation studies, and policy analyses in all areas of maternal, infant, child health, (MCH) and HIV/AIDS in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The journal focuses on the social determinants of health and disease as well as on the disparities in the burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases affecting infants, children, women, adults, and families in developing countries. ijma.jpg

    1 Nov 2011
    Evaluation Mission of the UNESCAP Asia-Pacific Population Journal
    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon, Senior Fellow is greeted by Dato’ Aminah Rahman, Director General of the National Population and Family Development Board during his visit to Malaysia as part of the Mission as Lead Evaluator of the Asia-Pacific Population Journal which is being published by UNESCAP since 1986. emission.jpg

    2 Oct 2011
    Training programme for novel surveillance system for malaria
    IHP GFATM - Malaria project team was invited as resource persons to deliver a lecture and to share a demonstration on novel surveillance system for Malaria, at the Organization for Proffesional Associations (OPA) auditorium on the 2nd of October, 2011. The workshop was organised by the Independent Medical Practitioners` Association (IMPA) for the private health care sector in the Colombo district. Key participants at the workshop were senior consultants at administrative level in health sector and senior general practitioners in the Colombo district and members of IMPA. IHP was commended on its efforts in developing and introducing such a novel surveillance system for the first time in Sri Lanka. A similar workshop was organised by the IMPA on the 1st of October 2011 in Negambo for the general practitioners in Negambo. gfatmcol.jpg

    28 Sep 2011
    NGO advocacy meeting for National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) 2011
    A civil society meeting was jointly organised by the IHP and the National STD/Aids Control Programme (NSACP) on the 28th of September 2011 at the NSACP. The main objectives of the meeting were to make the civil society members aware of the NASA 2011 and to distribute the NGO IHP Health Expenditure Survey instruments among the NGO representatives. The meeting was attended by NGO’s that deal with HIV and STI related health expenditures. nasa1.jpg

    28 Aug 2011
    Consultative Seminar on Family Policy for Sri Lanka
    A final consultative meeting on the (draft) Family Policy for Sri Lanka was held on the 26th of August at the Waters Edge with the participation of the Minister of Social Services and key stakeholders including Secretaries to line ministries.
    IHP was responsible for the formulation of the policy. In the preparation of this final document, IHP has made a series of consultative discussions with provincial authorities and the national level institutions including selected key line Ministries and Civil Society groups.

    24 Aug 2011
    Below to above replacement: increased fertility and its determinants in Sri Lanka, collaborative efforts of Chamara Anuranga of IHP
    Asia-Pacific Population Journal publishes collaborative efforts of Chamara Anuranga (Research Officer, IHP), Dr Indralal De Silva (Dean, Faculty of Arts and Senior Professor of Demography (Chair), University of Colombo) and Nishanthi Perera, Lecturer, Department of Demoraphy, University of Colombo. appj.jpg

    9 Aug 2011
    The National Aids Spending Assessment (NASA) 2011
    IHP team visits Anuradhapura and Jaffna Teaching hospital to collect information as part of the NASA project to develop a tool for the National AIDS Authorities to monitor HIV resources to evaluate and quantify the multi-sectoral approach of the HIV national responses. nasa.jpg

    8 Aug 2011
    Training programme for novel surveillance system for malaria
    IHP team conducted a training programme in Anuradhapura district on novel surveillance system for malaria for the private health care sector. The new system of reporting cases through a dedicated telephone number to a central organization for surveillance purposes had not been tried in other malaria endemic countries. The system will ensure that all the suspected and confirmed Malaria cases treated in the private sector will be notified to Anti Malaria Campaign (AMC promptly so that early preventive measures are taken. New Mechanism will be piloted in Anuradhapura and Monaragala districts for a month and will be expanded island wide. gfatm.jpg

    18 Jul 2011
    Dr. A.T.P.L Abeykoon, Senior Fellow presented a paper on "The Demographic Transition: Opportunities and Challenges - The Case of Sri Lanka" at the 27th Asian Parliamentarians's Meeting on Population a
    Dr. A.T.P.L Abeykoon, Senior Fellow presented a paper on "The Demographic Transition: Opportunities and Challenges - The Case of Sri Lanka" at the 27th Asian Parliamentarians's Meeting on Population and Development held in Sri Lanka from 18 -19 July, 2011. The meeting was declared opened by H. E. The President, Mahinda Rajapaksa. The opening ceremony was Chaired by Hon. Yasuo Fukuda, Chairman of the Asian Population and Development Association and former Prime Minister of Japan. The inaugural address was given by Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa, Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka. The Meeting was attended by senior Parliamentarians from Asian countries and representatives of international organizations. atpl2.JPG

    11 Jul 2011
    IHP and Equitap Network participates at the iHEA, 8th World Congress in Toronto.
    IHP staff and IHP coordinated Equitap Network members were active participants at the International Health Economics Association (IHEA) 2011 Biennial World Congress, held in Toronto, Canada from 11-13 July.

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