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    8 Nov 2013
    IHP contributes towards developing a National Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
    IHP was represented by the Senior Fellows Dr. Reggie Perera and Dr. Shanti Dalpatadu at the Technical Discussion on Development of a National Performance Monitoring & Evaluation Framework, held at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute (SLFI), Colombo on 7 November 2013.

    This event was organized by the Ministry of Health and brought together number of renowned academics and professionals in the country, who discussed under the themes of clinical effectiveness, quality of care, patient safety, patient responsiveness and cost efficiency/ effectiveness.

    Many global indicators including those related to millennium development goals have revealed satisfactory performance for Sri Lanka. However, there are growing concerns that the health challenges posed by transitions in epidemiology and demography together with patient care expectations/ responsiveness have surfaced many new areas in health care that are addressed sub-optimally and need strengthened at national level. The overall objective of the exercise was to identify suitable national level indicators for regular review of the health sector performance.

    21 Sep 2013
    IHP conducts training workshop on health accounts for Bangladesh team
    IHP recently conducted a five-day training workshop on health accounts reporting for members of the Bangladesh National Health Accounting (BNHA) Cell. The workshop was held from 16-20 September 2013 in Colombo. BNHA members comprised high-ranking officials from the Health Economics Unit of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, the Institute for Health Economics University of Dhaka, Data International Ltd and the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh.

    Some of the main themes covered included an introduction to NHA and System of Health Accounts (SHA) frameworks and classification systems, design and execution of private hospital insurance and donor surveys and data coding and analysis using excel and STATA programs. A special session on tracking expenditure by type of disease was also conducted.

    A special meeting was also convened with His Excellency F.M. Borhan Uddin, High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Sri Lanka.

    2 Sep 2013
    Keynote presentation by Dr Rannan-Eliya at College of Community Dentistry of Sri Lanka Annual Sessions 2013
    Dr Rannan-Eliya, IHP Fellow gave a keynote presentation to the College of Community Dentistry of Sri Lanka members at their annual Scientific Sessions on the current debates about the post MDG development goals, the emerging importance of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in that debate, and a frank assessment of how Sri Lanka fares with respect to UHC attainment. CCDSL.jpg

    1 Sep 2013
    IHP accredited by PGIM as post-graduate training center
    IHP has been accredited by the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo as a training unit for the MD part II in Medical Administration course, conducted by the PGIM. This will enable the post-graduate trainees in Medical Administration to undertake one-month placement at the IHP in order to fulfill their one-month training component at a non-governmental organization (NGO).

    The MD Medical Administration programme runs for two years, and will trains the candidates for leading managerial positions in the health sector in Sri Lanka. Dr. Reggie Perera and Dr. Shanti Dalpatadu, the Senior Fellows will be the trainers at the IHP. From September 2013 trainees will be assigned to IHP as registrars for a period of one month during their rotational attachments.

    1 Sep 2013
    IHP presents research findings at the SLMA-CMASL-IHP joint Research Symposium on Quality of Healthcare in Sri Lanka
    Two papers titled “Quality of inpatient care in public and private hospitals in Sri Lanka” and “Quality of outpatient care in public and private sectors in Sri Lanka – how well do perceptions match reality and what are the implications?”, were presented by Dr. Nilmini Wijemanne, Research Associate, IHP at the Research Symposium on Quality of Healthcare in Sri Lanka held at the Lionel Memorial Auditorium Colombo 7 on 30 August 2013 evening. This event, co-hosted by the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA), Sri Lanka College of Medical Administrators (CMASL) and the IHP, was attended by an array of audience that include health managers, post-graduate trainee medical administrators, journalists and patient rights activists.

    The session was chaired by Dr. Palitha Abeykoon, President elect SLMA, who was joined by Dr. Sunil de Alwis, President CMASL, and Dr. Amal Harsha de Silva, President elect CMASL at the head table. They highlighted the importance of good research on quality of healthcare in order to supplement the good achievements already made in the healthcare field in the country.

    The discussion that followed the presentations was moderated by Dr. Ranjan Dias, Chairperson Working Group on Healthcare Quality and Safety of the SLMA and Dr. W. Karandagoda, Director Medical Services, Lanka Hospitals. Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Fellow and Director IHP too joined the discussion that turned out to be a lively one with many good suggestions coming from the audience for further improving the quality of healthcare in the country.

    31 Aug 2013
    2008 IHP Report spins-off World Bank Policy Research Working Paper on Multisectoral Preventive Health Services in Sri Lanka
    An IHP report of 2008 titled “The organization of public health and environmental sanitation services in Sri Lanka, and the role of the Public Health Inspector in its service delivery” has paved the way for the World Bank’s recently released policy research working paper titled “Multisectoral preventive health services in Sri Lanka: Lessons for developing countries in providing public goods in health”. It is believed that this report will help filling the hitherto existing knowledge gaps in international health literature on how the health services are organized in Sri Lanka to reduce population’s exposure to disease. This throws light on how Sri Lanka has achieved good health at low cost, a lesson for other developing countries.

    This publication comes out as a collaborative effort of Monica Das Gupta of the Development Research Group of the World Bank, Dr. Shanti Dalpatadu, IHP Senior Fellow, Dr. C.K. Shanmugarajah and Dr. H.M.S.S.D. Herath, the latter two being external consultants of IHP for the project.

    The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper identifies strong focal points in the central health ministry for supporting preventive health services, pro-active multisectoral collaborations and community level delivery institutions with well-trained multivalent Public Health Inspectors as some of the reasons for effective health services in the island nation.

    This publication has been funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP) of the World Bank.

    10 Jul 2013
    IHP delivers presentations at the 9th iHEA World Congress
    IHP staff presented a number papers at the 9th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA), held in Sydney, Australia from 7 to 10 July.

    The Director Dr. Ravi Rannan-Eliya presented two papers titled “The goals of universal coverage: An approach post-MDG for health sector development” and “Changes in the operating performance and efficiency of MOHFW facilities in Bangladesh during 1997-2010, and the implications for financing expansions in coverage of MNCH services”.

    Chamara Anuranga, Research Officer, made a presentation on “The impact of Out-of-Pocket Expenditure on Poverty and Inequalities in Use of MCH services in Bangladesh: Evidence from the household income and expenditure surveys 2000-10”.

    9 Jul 2013
    Dr. Rannan-Eliya presents consensus of GNHE researchers at the iHEA
    Global interest in the challenge and issue of universal health coverage (UHC) is growing, but what UHC means and involves remains an issue of contention. Dr Ravi Rannan-Eliya, IHP Fellow and Coordinator of the Equitap Network, presented the consensus of researchers in the Global Network for Health Equity (GNHE) on this issue at the iHEA World Congress held in Sydney, on 9 July 2013. Sydney.JPG

    7 Jul 2013
    Dr. Nilmini Wijemanne presents two papers at the Private Sector in Health Symposium
    At the IHEA pre-congress symposium on the Private Sector in Health held at Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre on 6 July 2013, Dr. Nilmini Wijemanne, Research Associate, presented two papers titled “The quality of inpatient care in Sri Lanka - how good is it and how does it differ between public and private sectors?” and “The quality of outpatient care in public and private sectors in Sri Lanka - how well do patient perceptions match reality and what are the implications?” PSHS.JPG

    26 Jun 2013
    Dr. Prasanna Cooray joins TV discussion on dengue control
    Alongside Director General of Health Services Dr. Palitha Mahipala and Consultant Physician Dr. Waruna Gunathilake, IHP Consultant Dr. Prasanna Cooray participated in the TV discussion on control of dengue, aired by the national television “Rupavahini” on 13 June (Thursday) night. Dengue Fever continues to be endemic in Sri Lanka and is among the major public health issues faced by the country. According to the Ministry of Health sources, till end of May this year there have been over 14,200 cases of dengue reported in Sri Lanka. Institutional, environmental and community aspects associated with dengue epidemic were elaborated during the discussion.

    Dr. Mahipala spoke of the improved facilities incorporated to the hospital system in the recent past in order to treat patients with dengue more efficiently. These have contributed to an appreciable reduction in mortality related to dengue he noted. Dr. Gunathilake questioned the validity of certain practices such as fogging that are adopted as dengue control measures. He further pointed out that haphazard practices that disrupt environmental equilibrium could worsen the situation, both by altering biodiversity and increasing ambient temperature.

    Dr. Cooray noted that the species of Aedes that are responsible for the spread of dengue in Sri Lanka are containers breeders and policies dealing with solid waste disposal, non-biodegradables and recyclables are of urgent need. He also emphasized the need to formulate and coordinate greater entomological engagement and research into the dengue control programme in the country.

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