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    External Publications

    IHP's research is frequently published in academic journals, as chapters in books, and other external scientific and technical channels. Where work has been commissioned by other agencies, including UN and official government bodies, the research is often published in publications issued by the sponsors. Where possible the site provides links to these publications.

    The publications database contains publications made by IHP events or by IHP staff at conferences, workshops or meetings. You can search by topic, title, type, authors and date.





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    Listing of External Publications
    31 - 40 of 72 publications found, listed by date.

    cover page

    SHA-Based Health Accounts in Twelve Asia-Pacific Economies

    A comparative analysis of different health funding and spending patterns across the Asia-Pacific region.

    Author(s):Hyoung-sun Jeong, Ravi P. Rannan-Eliya

    Date: 20 Jan 2010


    cover page

    Estimates of Abortion Rate in Sri Lanka using Bongaarts Model of Proximate Determinants of Fertility

    The publication shows that the total abortion rate as at 2006/07 was relatively low with 0.087 abortions per woman. It indicates that if the abortion rate was zero, the total fertility rate would have been 2.39 instead of 2.3 as estimated in 2006/07.

    Author(s):A.T.P.L. Abeykoon

    Date: 1 Nov 2009


    cover page

    ICPD - "15 Years On" Sri Lanka

    Dr. A.T.P.L. Abeykoon who represented Sri Lanka in all conferences connected with ICPD was responsible for the formulation and implementation of post ICPD population activities in Sri Lanka. He describes Sri Lanka's success story as it unfolded.

    Author(s):A.T.P.L. Abeykoon

    Date: 31 Oct 2009

     Available at the IHP library

    cover page

    Guidelines for improving the comparability and availability of private health expenditures

    Guidelines for estimation of private health expenditures.

    Author(s):Ravi P. Rannan-Eliya

    Date: 1 Oct 2009

     Not released for general circulation

    cover page

    Public views of health system issues in four Asian countries

    Health Affairs paper presenting the results of a opinion polls of the public in four Asian countries regarding their views on health equity, conducted by the Equitap project.

    Author(s):Mrigesh Bhatia, Ravindra Rannan-Eliya, Aparnaa Somanathan, MN Huq, Badri Raj Pande, B Chuluunzagd

    Date: 1 Jul 2009

     Download from Health Affairs website (Registration required)

    cover page

    G8 and strengthening of health systems: follow-up to the Toyako summit

    Lancet paper presenting recommendations for the G8 as follow-up to the 2008 Toyako Summit by the Takemi Task Force on Health System Strengthening.

    Author(s):Michael R Reich, Keizo Takemi

    Date: 1 Feb 2009

     Download from JCIE website - English version

    cover page

    G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Follow-Up: Global Action for Health System Strengthening. Policy Recommendations to the G8 - English version

    The final report of the Working Group on Challenges in Global Health and Japan's Contributions was submitted to the Japanese and Italian governments in January 2009 for consideration for the 2009 G8 Summit agenda.

    Author(s):Keizo Takemi, Michael R. Reich, Masamine Jimba, Ravindra P. Rannan-Eliya, Kenji Shibuya

    Date: 1 Feb 2009

     Download from JCIE website - Japanese version
    (159 KB)

    cover page

    G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Follow-Up: Global Action for Health System Strengthening. Policy Recommendations to the G8 - Japanese version

    The final report of the Working Group on Challenges in Global Health and Japan's Contributions was submitted to the Japanese and Italian governments in January 2009 for consideration for the 2009 G8 Summit agenda.

    Author(s):Keizo Takemi, Michael R. Reich, Masamine Jimba, Ravindra P. Rannan-Eliya, Kenji Shibuya

    Date: 1 Feb 2009

    (1.4 MB)

    cover page

    Strengthening Health Financing in Partner Developing Countries

    Web appendix on health financing recommendations of the Takemi G8 Working Group.

    Author(s):Ravi P. Rannan-Eliya

    Date: 1 Feb 2009

     Download from Lancet website (Registration required)

    cover page

    From Mexico to Mali: progress in health policy and systems research

    Call for renewed investments and commitments to building health systems research capacity in developing countries.

    Author(s):Sara Bennett, Taghreed Adam, Christina Zarowsky Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Kent Ranson, Tim Evans, An

    Date: 8 Nov 2008

     Download from Lancet website (Registration required)



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