"") {$search=$_GET['hdnText'];} ?> Publications = '$SearchString5'"; if ($SearchString1<>"") {$query= $query . " and topics like '%$SearchString1%'";} if ($SearchString2<>"") {$query= $query . " and authors like '%$SearchString2%'";} if ($SearchString3<>"") {$query= $query . " and title like '%$SearchString3%'";} if ($SearchString4<>"") { if ($SearchString4=="External" || $SearchString4=="Internal" ) {$query= $query . " and ownership like substring('$SearchString4',1,8)";} else {$query= $query . " and category like substring('$SearchString4',12) and ownership like substring('$SearchString4',1,8)";} } if ($SearchString6<>"") {$query= $query . " and substring(pub_date,1,4) <= '$SearchString6'";} } //$query = $query . " ORDER BY pres_date"; $total_results = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query)); $totpages = ceil($total_results / $max_results); $query = $query . " ORDER BY pub_date DESC LIMIT $from, $max_results"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_num_rows($result); if ($total_results == 0 || $num == 0) { $first = 0; $last = 0; $page = 1; } if ($page <= $totpages) { if ($totpages == 1) { $last = $num; $first = 1; } else { $first = $from + 1; if ($num == $max_results) { $last = $from + $max_results; } else { $last = $total_results; } } } mysql_close(); } ?>

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    Our Publications

    IHP is committed to the wide dissemination of its research through its own and external publications. We believe strongly that our research outputs are public goods, and should be freely available to the public, all partners, and members of the international research, policy-making and development communities. We will be placing all our research publications here, as they become available.

    For those who wish to purchase printed versions, please contact us for details.

    Note most publications are made available in PDF format, and require Adobe Acrobat ReaderTM(you can download a free version from the Adobe website).

    IHP Books
    IHP publishes books to present major pieces of research or policy analysis that are deemed to be of interest to a wide audience. All books are subject to stringent editing and preparation, and are available usually in both electronic and printed formats. They present major research and policy analysis findings from work done by IHP researchers or commissioned by IHP from external experts.

    Research Studies Series
    The IHP Research Studies Series documents the work of IHP researchers and collaborators that may not warrant full printing as IHP books. The series is used primarily as a channel to make available in electronic format and in a timely manner the detailed final results of major research projects undertaken by IHP. Research Studies have been subject to internal or external peer review before publication. In certain instances, Research Studies may be duplicates of papers published elsewhere, but based on IHP work.

    Working Papers Series
    The IHP Working Paper Series documents the results of work by IHP researchers and collaborators that do not warrant full formal publication as a book or in the Research Studies series. This format is used primarily as a channel to promote timely dissemination of work in progress, or final dissemination of research and methodological findings, which may be of interest only to a small technical audience. They may be preliminary and unpolished results of analysis, and have not necessarily been subject to the same level of editing and review as IHP books or Research Studies. Citation and use of these papers should take into account their potentially provisional nature.

    Project Reports
    Project reports are the results of research or analysis projects commissioned by external sponsors. They are usually in the format they were prepared in for the relevant project, and have not been subject to subsequent revision. They are made available if the terms of the sponsorship arrangement permit.

    External Publications
    IHP's research is frequently published in academic journals, as chapters in books, and other external scientific and technical channels. Where work has been commissioned by other agencies, including UN and official government bodies, the research is often published in publications issued by the sponsors. Where possible the site provides links to these publications.

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