Paper Series |
IHP Technical Paper Series documents the work of IHP researchers
and collaborators that falls outside the scope of the IHP Research
Paper Series. The series is used primarily as a channel to make
available in electronic format and in a timely manner research
results, which may not warrant full printing as IHP Research Papers.
They may not be as substantial or as of wide an interest as IHP
Research Papers, but have been subject to internal peer review.
In certain instances, IHP Technical Papers may be duplicates of
papers published elsewhere, but based on IHP work. |
of Technical Paper Series |
- of publications
found, listed by date. |
$color = '#FFFFFF'; ?>
while ($i < $num) {
" alt="cover page" height="75" align="right" border="1px" style="border-color:#CCCCCC"> |
" class="pub"> echo "$title"; ?>
echo "$short_desc";?>
Author(s): echo substr($author,0,100); ?>
Date: echo ucfirst(date("j M Y", strtotime("$pub_date"))); ?> |
" class="publication" target="_blank"> echo $link_text ?>
if ($fl_size <> "") {echo "($fl_size)";} ?>
if ($color == '#FFFFFF')
else {$color='#FFFFFF';} ?>
$i++; }?>
= 1){
echo "Page: ";
for($k = 1; $k <= $totpages; $k++){
if(($page) == $k){
echo "$k ";
} else {
echo "$k ";