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    An Assessment of the Burden, Issues and Policy Options in Curative Care Services Delivery and Non-communicable Diseases in Sri Lanka

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    Ravi P. Rannan-Eliya, Chamara Anuranga, Lara Brearley, Ruwanthi Elwalagedera, ATPL Abeykoon, Ahalya Balasundaram, Shanti Dalpatadu
    28 Mar 2010 | 86 pages

    Abstract:Despite being a developing country with many risk factors for NCDs still being low or increasing, risks of dying from NCDs are higher in Sri Lanka than in developed nations. The disparities are most substantial for IHD and Asthma. In developed countries mortality rates from NCDs have reduced in the past three decades at a rapid rate, but in Sri Lanka this has not happened.

    Banking on country’s good primary care system Sri Lanka needs to redesign it to provide the care needed to manage the challenges faced by the increasing NCDs.




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