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    Public sector performance

    Studies | Publications | Related work

    The public sector in Sri Lanka plays a vital role in providing health services and overall health sector management. In many areas, it cannot be substituted for by the private sector. It's efficient and effective performance is thus important for the overall health of the sector, as well as for overall equity in the health system.

    Unfortunately, despite its importance, research into the performance of the public sector, and research specifically looking at how the public sector performance can be improved has been neglected. Research is needed to look at how performance can be improved, how services can be made more equitable, and how cost-efficiency can be increased.

    Current research programme

    Our research is focused on two broad areas: (i) looking at the measurement of cost-efficiency and productivity in the public sector delivery system, and exploring determinants of productivity improvements, and (ii) supporting public sector management by assisting in the development of improved planning and information systems.

    Our current research includes:

    • A study analyzing the configuration and design of hospital referral systems in three South Asian countries to assess potential inefficiencies in strategy, and to identify potential best practice lessons from Sri Lanka. >>More...



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    11 Mar 2007: JICA-IHP Seminar on Asia– Africa Knowledge Co-Creation Program shares Sri Lankan knowledge and experience in hospital TQM with African hospital leaders ....


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